Saturday, April 30, 2011

not for the gentle reader...

We have influence over the future. Choices we make affect the rest of our lives. Okay, I still have a hard time with the whole "effect vs. affect" thing… drives me crazy. I think I got it right that time.
Life is short. Kind of like this blog post.
To put it simply,
Man= sinful, in need of healing, forgiveness… a Savior.
Jesus Christ= creator, perfecter of faith, everlasting lover, SAVIOR etc.
Cars, money, "peace," food, hollywood, power etc. = not true happiness.
Jesus= forgiveness, joy in the midst of trial, reason for living (he created us, for goodness sakes)
Jesus= only way to the father, heaven, truth.

Dear friends, let us not become weak in our knowledge of the truth. The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword…
that's pretty sharp, by my observations and calculations.

I'm just in a 'say it like it is' mood. And may the Lord forgive me for not being more bold about the truth more often, while I have the chance.

He is life and all that is worth pursuing. People and things and ideas will come and go, but he is everlasting.


p.s. i'm twenty now. and blessed beyond words. excited to see his plan for the future.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Visitors on Butterfield

So a while back I wrote a post about squirrels and their freakish growing population and boldness around people. View post here. Well, today I had an memorable experience… socializing with baby squirrels. I went outside to move the car, and my neighbor summoned me over to see this incredible sight. So, though I still believe the squirrel movement is spreading at an alarming rate, I cannot tell a lie… I absolutely melt over (most) small, furry creatures; anything miniature, really.
Hope you enjoy these little guys as much as we did…

Saturday, April 16, 2011

a path + two curious girls + SB = adventure.

two girls.

we kind of like our shadows.


Hannah and the big mulch.

 Hannah is good at doing funny things.

  "We are here… and we want to be there."


two naughty girls?
a path. 

Hannah and the stinky flowers.

a neat place...
with neat people (obviously.)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

*tap tap* ahem.

Oh, hello there.

Now bare with me- I realize it's been awhile since I've posted a 'just me, life, what's up' kind of post. And I think that's okay. Just as the seasons change around us and the tulips bloom and the cold heads out, we as people change and go through seasons of our own.

I'm happy to tell you that with the coming of this beautiful weather, which amazes me year after year with it's ability to never become less exciting than it was the year before, that I too have become re-inspired, renewed, and ready to live out the wondrous life that I have so undeservedly been given. So, in relation with you, my dear readers, that means I'll probably be writing more and posting more consistently.

Who knows though, really? Who can say what life will bring this month, this week, even this day? That is what makes it so exciting, is it not?

A lot has happened recently, so to bring you up to date with my life, I will tell you this… God is faithful :)

Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Maybe I will write more on that another time, or perchance in real life, our paths may cross, and we may wonder together at his glory and goodness over coffee, or under the vast blue above us.

Color, childhood experiences, serving through time given, the sanctity of life, creating, and giving up all burden and anxiety; fear and worry to Lord--
All subjects recently flooding my mind and resting on my heart.

Have you lived today?