Friday, October 14, 2011


There's a light up ahead,
can't see it yet- got a feeling instead.
I've been de-railed from a one-way track,
Free indeed, not looking back. 

No more worry or a wondering mind,
'cause a heart split apart is a gem in a bind. 
There is one who is true; not me, not you,
the healer of wounds, of which I've had a few.

Still winter must breath to bring forth the spring,
and 'til it awakens, I'm content just to be. 
But when the day comes, I'll be eager to flee,
to find the adventure, the adventure for me. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore'

Amelia, the genius that she is, hosted a night of whimsy…

Scarves, knee socks, hats, ties, and a pocket watch adorned.
Tea, small desserts, and lovely cupcakes were taken.
'Penelope' was watched.
'The Raven' was recited… and present.
Zombies and a kitten were seen.
Insults were hurled.
Fiction families and british accented banter ensued.
Even some serious discussion found it's way in around 1 o'clock or so.

Needless to say, it was a fun gathering.
I don't have enough photos to do the evening justice, nor are the ones I have, of great quality.
Alas, they are a small portal through which you may catch a glimpse of said festivities.

David and I won most whimsically dressed and got prizes (thanks Amelia!) Though here our outfits have been compromised and we just look crazy. Yes,  David is wearing socks on his ears.

Our lovely leader.

Please bear in mind that these last few were taken at peculiar hours of the morning :)

Live whimsically!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dearest Mumsy and Papi...

A silly poem I wrote for my world traveling parents. Love and miss you!

Nothing is quite the same without you around,
only reflections of your living- why, they abound. 
Your messes lay lonely, your projects unfinished,
the days go quite smoothly, but the quality is diminished. 

Your voice, your words I'd love to hear,
I must take them for granted when you are near.
Always ready for whatever is needed,
you give of yourself time that is pleaded.

Give it a week, or maybe a couple,
and life will be normal with all of it's bustle.
But until you come back and complete what is missing,
please know, of times past,  I'll be here reminiscing.