Thursday, June 16, 2011

phineas and theblueroom

Go read Numbers 25:6-13


I have a lot.

Lord, make me zealous like Phineas, willing and courageous to be your vessel- to further your kingdom and save your people. 

In other news, much less important in comparison, but quite exciting for me… I finally started my art website. It's not much now, but take a look if you want: theblueroomventures, and let me know what you think. 
I still plan to write on here, as well, in a more personal, whatever-i-feel-like sort of fashion. And hopefully more often than I have been. 
I do hope life is giving you plenty of adventures and stories to tell.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it becomes necessary to "kill" whatever comes between us and God, ie: sources of an addiction, temptations, places you go, things you do, people you see, what have you.
